How to Communicate in Poker

Poker is a game where you’re constantly piecing together bits of information about your opponents. Every action you make, whether it’s a fold, call, or raise communicates something to your opponents and gives them clues about what kind of hand they have. Your goal is to give them as few hints as possible while still communicating enough to win the pot.


Your position at the table affects how much risk you take on each hand and what kinds of hands you’re able to play. Early positions like the SB and BB are at an immediate disadvantage because they have to act first, and their actions tell everyone what kind of hand they’re holding. Later positions, on the other hand, have a chance to gather more information before they have to act. This information includes knowing what their opponents’ preflop betting range is and which players to bet against.

Bet sizes

Your bet size should reflect your confidence in your hand’s strength. If you’re unsure about your hand, it’s better to fold than to bet large amounts to try to force weaker hands into the pot. On the other hand, if you have a strong value hand, it’s usually worth betting to price out worse hands and maximize your chances of winning the pot.

Pay attention to how experienced players play the game. Studying their mistakes and challenging situations can help you avoid them in your own game. Likewise, studying their successful moves can expose you to different strategies that you might be able to adapt and incorporate into your own gameplay.